Recommended reads 2020-06-07
Meine Leseempfehlungen für heute:
SAFe Scrum Master vs ‘Scrum’ Scrum Master — Deceptively Alike, But Totally Different
The Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) exists to “to enable the business agility that is required for enterprises to compete and thrive in the digital age.” — Organisations…
SAFe Scrum Master vs ‘Scrum’ Scrum Master — Alike in important ways
This article is a response to my friend Willem-Jan Ageling’s on the same topic. I believe his post missed some important similarities between the Scrum Master role from the Scrum Guide and the role…
Die Artikel betrachten vor allem die Rolle des Scrum Masters in Umgebungen, die nach SAFe skalieren gegenüber jenen ohne SAFe / auf dem reinen, isolierten Team-Level.