Recommended Reads 2025-01-05
Dieses Mal bin ich über diese beiden, recht langen, aber extrem lesenswerten Artikel “gestolpert” – während meiner immerwährenden Suche nach praktizierten erfolgreichen und fehlgeschlagenen Lösungen zu den Problemen, die unweigerlich innerhalb von Change-Prozessen bei größeren Unternehmen auftreten.
Project management is a topic most people have strong opinions on, and I’m no exception. To answer the question of how different companies run engineering projects, I pulled in help from across the industry.
How Big Tech Runs Tech Projects and the Curious Absence of Scrum
How Big Tech Runs Tech Projects and the Curious Absence of Scrum
A survey of how tech projects run across the industry highlights Scrum being absent from Big Tech. Why is this, and are there takeaways others should take note of?
About a year after implementing Capacity Planning ( aka Delivery Mapping ) at Skype, the product leadership team asked for reporting to support the process. Tony Grout, Lisa Long and myself implemented the “Strawberry-jam-o-meter” and the “Wrong-order-o-meter” with the product leadership team ( report names inspired by Dr Seuss books which were a favourite of one of the product executives ).
Wrong-order-o-meter (An experience report)
Wrong-order-o-meter (An experience report)
About a year after implementing Capacity Planning ( aka Delivery Mapping ) at Skype, the product leadership team asked for reporting to support the process. Tony Grout, Lisa Long and myself impleme…